Monday, April 16, 2012

Food Storage Analyzer (I tried it!)

I wasn't really sure what all we have squirrelled away until I tried this tonight! It is really great to see approximately how long we could live off what we have stored. [Not long!]
This tool is awesome. It even makes recommendations for what you might want to add based on the nutrients in what you already have. I need to add some calcium and Vitamin A containing foods for my growing kiddos.
You can even add what's in your pantry. If yours is like ours, there's at least a couple weeks worth of staples, which is comforting. [ah, if only I would more consistently cook with what's in the pantry!]
Bottom line: we could last long enough to get a good garden going [I'll be stocking up on some new seeds in Mylar packs] if we were suddenly unable to purchase food.
Check this bad boy out yourself!
Gift Card Giveaway

Monday, April 9, 2012

Menu planning, grocery shopping & the "B" word (Budget)

(Budget... I shudder still when I think of that B word. In my mind, it is shackles. In reality, it prevents shackles.)
We have basically no time to waste. I leave work early to pick up our 6 yr old, and without a plan for every day, I will scramble to figure out what's for dinner and they'll end up eating ramen and chicken nuggets and then I won't cook dinner for my husband and then at 8 pm, I'll eat a bowl of oatmeal. That's not dinner time.
So I re-subscribed to emeals and couldn't be more excited to have a plan, a budget ANd a grocery list. I chose ALDI for mine, since we are blessed to have one so close. With minor modifications to their plan, we spent $63 for our family for this week. I will have to go get milk and eggs in another trip (probably to Sprouts) but I think I can feed us 3 meals a day + snacks for $100 a week. This will include fresh, organic fruits & veggies from Sprouts.
This leaves me about $50-75 a month to build up food storage and supplies. That's not a lot! We may do even better if I can get said 6 yr old to actually eat beans.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Baby steps

I spent a good portion of Thursday gathering things to take to the Salvation Army & organizing our food storage, most of which has been accumulated over the past 8 months since I started selling Thrive foods.
I managed to at least gather a backpack or duffle bag for each person in our family and put on the bottom shelf of the rack with the food storage on it. I also revisited a couple of links that have what "should" be in a 72-hour kit. One is from an subsite and the other from, which has some additional items, such as for a baby.
Since we have a toddler and a kindergartener, I can't just pack the bags and leave them there since they grow so fast, so I will rotate their clothing quarterly. Hassle huh? But that will give me a chance to make sure the food items are still ok & all that!
I also gathered up brightly colored tees we all have but don't wear for the bags and will get them loaded tomorrow.
I'm excited to actually tick a couple things off my list for these kits. I will post my modified list later on Ziplist!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hindsight is...

Sure, hindsight is 20/20 but what if you already knew better but didn't DO anything? Isn't there some parable about lamps and oil and a wedding?
Tuesday afternoon, an app alerted me that the county I work in had a tornado warning. My friend pulled up the local weather & there it was. There they were.
After assessing the projected(ish) path, I decided to get in my car and go get my kids immediately.
Twenty minutes later, the kids and I were home. Instead of grabbing a go-bag and going to the hallway, I found myself mentally determining what we needed just in case. And then my brain started berating me.

How long have I lived in Texas? (I was born here.)
How long have I had the plans printed out for the go-bags? (eh, about two years...)
Why haven't I taken the time to get them ready? (Angry Birds? I've been busy!)

We made it through with no damage to our autos, our dwelling or ourselves.miraculously, with the umpteen tornados that touched down in the area, there were no deaths or serious injuries, but just because we were spared this time, doesn't mean it will be so smooth next time.
So what now? If I write it down, if I publish it to the blogosphere, will I do something different?
I must.