Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hindsight is...

Sure, hindsight is 20/20 but what if you already knew better but didn't DO anything? Isn't there some parable about lamps and oil and a wedding?
Tuesday afternoon, an app alerted me that the county I work in had a tornado warning. My friend pulled up the local weather & there it was. There they were.
After assessing the projected(ish) path, I decided to get in my car and go get my kids immediately.
Twenty minutes later, the kids and I were home. Instead of grabbing a go-bag and going to the hallway, I found myself mentally determining what we needed just in case. And then my brain started berating me.

How long have I lived in Texas? (I was born here.)
How long have I had the plans printed out for the go-bags? (eh, about two years...)
Why haven't I taken the time to get them ready? (Angry Birds? I've been busy!)

We made it through with no damage to our autos, our dwelling or ourselves.miraculously, with the umpteen tornados that touched down in the area, there were no deaths or serious injuries, but just because we were spared this time, doesn't mean it will be so smooth next time.
So what now? If I write it down, if I publish it to the blogosphere, will I do something different?
I must.

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